Wednesday, March 31, 2010

The Game Plan Continues......

I have to say that the GAMe Plan is still moving along okay but I have begun to realize that it takes alot of time and effort to make sure that I achieve these goals I've set for myself. I have been able to find some good workshops but I don't get to go to any of them until May. Until then I need to do a little research and continue reaching out to my colleagues who are familiar with using technology in theri classrooms.

As of right now I have only experimented with the Windows Movie Maker but the wheels in my head are turning to come up with something new for my kids. I have been experimenting with the idea of having them create their own wiki or blog page but I'm not quite sure yet. The upside of doing one of those ideas is that it can be shared with their family and friends when they are all finished. Any suggestions would be great! Until my workshops in May come along I'm going to focus on using what I have learned through Walden and try incorporating more of that into my lessons. Not too many changes to my GAME Plan but enough to keep me on my toes!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

So far the progress on my GAME Plan has been going very well. I have been able to come across workshops that are offered by my fellow colleagues on Saturdays for the teachers in our district. The great part is that it costs nothing and I have the opportunity to learn with my colleagues from my building and the other buildings as well. As I learn how to use new computer applications such as Windows movie maker, I make sure to implement it into my instruction. Currently my students are busy creating beautiful movies on different Latin American countries. Had I not learned about that program I would of had them do the usual power point or poster for this project. I have not felt the need to modify any part of my plan since I've been coming across good resources. My fellow colleagues at Walden have also shared tips and websites that I can use to accomplish my goals. Overall, I am on track and doing well. How is everyone else doing with their GAME Plans?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


In order to accomplish the GAME Plan that I have set for myself I need to find the proper tools and resources to help me on my journey. One of the first things I need to do is to look for workshops related to technology that help me understand how to truly use technology to my benefit. By attending workshops I will be exposed to a variety of resources and ideas to use on my own.The workshops would provide a good starting point for learning more about technology. I also need to begin familiarizing myself more with the technology I do have at my disposal and could readily use in my classroom with my students. By becoming comfortable with the smart board technology I recently acquired this year I will feel more confident in using the technology in the class with my students. These are only a couple of things I can use to meet my goals but as I go along and reflect on what I have learned there will be more that I will need or want to know.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

In the age of technology it has become very important for teachers to know the role it can play in their classrooms and the impact it can have on a child's education. In order to successfully implement technology into our daily lessons and into the professional aspects of our profession we need to know how to use it. One way for an educator to be effective in the classroom and professionally is to familiarize themselves with the National Technology Standards and Performance Indicators for Teachers (NETS-T). It is part of our responsibility to not only haw to use technology but also how to incorporate it successfully and ethically into our practice to better our students as well as our relationship with the parents.

As I pondered over the five standards and the various indicators associated with each I quickly realized that while I had some strengths using technology I also had my weaknesses. The two standards that I believe I fall short on are standards one and two.

The first standard focuses on how I "facilitate and inspire student learning and creativity" using technology. The second standard focuses on how I "design and develop digital-age learning experiences and assessments" using digital tools and resources. Under each of these standards are four indicators to help me understand how I can meet each standard successfully. I do not believe I am weak in each standard as a whole but that I rather have weaknesses in part of the standards I have chosen. In the first standard I fall short with the second indicator: b) engage students in exploring real world issues and solving authentic problems using digital tools and resources. In the second standard my goal is to strengthen my ability to design or adapt relevant learning experiences that incorporate digital tools and resources to promote student learning and creativity, which is the first indicator under the second standard.
In order to begin my journey of strengthening my ability to meet these particular indicators I need to establish a GAME plan, with my GAME Plan I will be able to map out how I will personally go about becoming more knowledgeable and comfortable with these particular technology standards and indicators. A GAME plan is not meant to be set in stone but rather consist of realistic goals that can be modified as I reflect upon my own learning. Currently I do engage students in authentic learning and I try my best to encourage creativity in the classroom. However, the incorporation of technology to support the authentic learning and creativity has been weak. Part of the reason is due to the fact that my school is just starting to expand on its technology and make it more readily available to teachers and students and secondly I am in the process of learning through Walden how technology can support learning. My goal and plan of action is to find new ways to use the technology currently available in my classroom to enhance and encourage authentic learning and creativity. In order to accomplish my goal I need to learn the various ways of how I can use the technology that I do have at my disposal and incorporate it more often into the lessons I teach. I also plan on seeking workshops related to technology in a social studies classroom and collaborating with colleagues who are more tech savvy than I am. By staying on top of the new technology and learning how to use it I will feel more confident in using it in the classroom. The best way to monitor my success is to keep track of how often or how little I use technology in the classroom. The more it is used then I will know that I am staying on task with my GAME Plan. It is also important that I reflect on what I learn and reflect on the days technology is used in my classroom. Through reflection I will be able to make modifications to my GAME Plan.